Sunday, May 30, 2010

Being Home

There is something magical about the way your heart feels a fuzzy warmth at the sight of something dear and familiar. And nothing compares to the pure joy of being back home in the city you've grown up in, after you've been away for so long.
Yes, the excitement of feeling the train finally coming to a stop at the familiar station after 21 hours of journey; stepping out of the train with luggage the size bigger than yourself, but hardly noticing it in all the jubilation; and finally looking up at the faces of your family members come to receive you; its these simple joyous moments that make life.

I got home on the 16th and its been two glorious weeks of relaxation, good food, movies and the kind of joblessness that is exhilarating to say the least. The roads, the people...they seem to welcome you with all the commotion and otherwise disruptive noise. The malls, with their KFCs, McD's and CCD's and their stores- Levi's, Pantaloons, Shopper's Stop, they beckon you with a longing thats severe and strong. All the things that after the village life in Pilani seem like a big treat. Don't get me wrong though, I love my college and the campus, but nothing equals the feeling of being home.

Calcutta. Its warmth, its passion, its simplicity, its sheer love for music and literature; everything about this place not just makes me immensely proud but tugs at my heart in a way no other place could. It is after all the place I've known and loved all my life, the place of unquestionable beauty.

Sunday, May 02, 2010


As the night dawns on, the rhythm begins. The calmness, the serenity of the soundlessness of the world sleeping. Its miraculous, its peace personified. Then the voices begin. The crazed voices of the unknown lurking close by, just out of reach, taunting and sneering at me. As time progresses, the conscious mind gives in. It ceases to exist, as the subconscious is born, feeding on the dead remains of its counterpart of the sane world. As reality and dreams and nightmares mingle to form one, the zenith of the hysteria is reached.
Its madness, its Euphoria.