Saturday, March 12, 2011

Rant of a long night.

This is one of those posts that I write because I simple have nothing better to do. Or I do have something better to do, except I don't feel the slightest inclination to do it. Like in this case with the ES-II exam on Monday, I should ideally be breaking my head over coils, and rotors and what not. But with the ridiculously small attention span that I have for anything boring, or say, repulsive, it is very very hard to stick to what is right.

So instead, I refreshed the Facebook page a million times. But sadly there isn't much activity going on there at 3.30 in the morning. What can I say, the nocturnal lifestyle isn't as popular as one would like. So instead I read some random articles on Wikipedia, some online magazines, and inevitably watched a few episodes of my favourite sit-coms.

Insomnia is hard when you're alone. The dark empty corridor not to mention hauntingly quiet is a little more than just unsettling. Well, at least the crickets keep you company. But then again, I don't exactly recall anyone say they had a good time with the crickets. Pardon that very stupid last line. One doesn't exactly think sensibly at such an ungodly hour.

In the worst case of boredom, I could attempt deciphering ES-II again.
Ha. No, not even then.

Another movie, perhaps?
Annie Hall. Yes.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Of joblessness, boredom and spite.

There are many things you learn in the course of your life. And in the otherwise mundane sleepy village of Pilani, you’d be surprised at the level of life philosophy that you can learn.

We all know it’s a complex world. Well, I didn’t know exactly how complex till one of those deep and meaningful (albeit drunken and jobless) discussions that you can have only at 1 in the morning with your close friends. It’s surprising how little things can be so humongously blown out of proportion in the land with no malls (and many other things). Where simple courtesy is branded hypocrisy and hypocritical indeed all relationships are, it is rather difficult to find the mental peace one desperately needs at the end of a long hard day (of even if only lying around watching sitcoms).

But in all seriousness, where has life’s simplicity gone to, when people said what they felt and felt what they said, when being nice to people was simply an extension of the niceness in oneself (yes, there is niceness in everybody) without ulterior motives, without judgement at every step? It’s appalling how prompt and incorrect assessment based on nothing but prejudice can tarnish the simplest of intentions.

But I guess that’s how the lives of jobless, frustrated people roll.
That’s right. I can judge too.