Saturday, March 12, 2011

Rant of a long night.

This is one of those posts that I write because I simple have nothing better to do. Or I do have something better to do, except I don't feel the slightest inclination to do it. Like in this case with the ES-II exam on Monday, I should ideally be breaking my head over coils, and rotors and what not. But with the ridiculously small attention span that I have for anything boring, or say, repulsive, it is very very hard to stick to what is right.

So instead, I refreshed the Facebook page a million times. But sadly there isn't much activity going on there at 3.30 in the morning. What can I say, the nocturnal lifestyle isn't as popular as one would like. So instead I read some random articles on Wikipedia, some online magazines, and inevitably watched a few episodes of my favourite sit-coms.

Insomnia is hard when you're alone. The dark empty corridor not to mention hauntingly quiet is a little more than just unsettling. Well, at least the crickets keep you company. But then again, I don't exactly recall anyone say they had a good time with the crickets. Pardon that very stupid last line. One doesn't exactly think sensibly at such an ungodly hour.

In the worst case of boredom, I could attempt deciphering ES-II again.
Ha. No, not even then.

Another movie, perhaps?
Annie Hall. Yes.

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