Monday, May 27, 2013

The incorruptible dream

I saw a beautiful movie today. What made it even more special was that it was based on one of the most beautifully written books.

The Great Gatsby.

It made me suddenly see clearly a notion, an idea that I was struggling with but didn't quite grasp. Its the catch-22 of love.

The kind of love that builds and grows to be so large you can barely contain it, almost always has a flaw. Its too grand. It is built with so much passion that the line between the illusion and the reality is blurred and nothing, however exceptional ever matches up to it.
And also, it is almost always devoted to someone who doesn't deserve it, who isn't even a fraction of what they are in your perfect imagination.
But you are oblivious. Your love takes a dream like quality. A dream that now thrives on its own accord and is so powerful that it is incorruptible. Its terrifying. Its beautiful.

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