Thursday, February 04, 2010

For the love of Science

Another regular day at college. Only nothing gets creepier than this. Of the various methods available in this universe our great gurus at college could adopt to teach us invaluable knowledge of science, they decide on extreme torture and shock treatment. I mean what is more beautiful than organic chemistry with its various awe-inspiring reactions and reasons (and I’m not being sardonic here) or say the electromagnetic theory that Maxwell had discovered (and I’m assuming this with almost complete surety) with absolute passion. I know this is clichéd but if only they would allow us or just give us room enough to appreciate all this the way they were meant to be I am sure we would not only enjoy this so much more but actually get better at it.
To resume what I was saying earlier..a creepy day at college. Chemistry quiz early in the morning at 8. God save our souls. It’s already a feat in itself to wake up that early to reach class on time during the winters of Pilani and add to that the usual botheration of quizzes. And had it been only that I would still not be cribbing about it. The very next hour, ‘Surprise quizz’ in physics. And surprised we were in every sense of the word.
So basically what could be a true learning and enriching experience is marred by the absolute unnecessary ritual of evaluation. So what if some people would hardly ever open the book if evaluation was to stop, those interested would still gain their quota of knowledge (and the others could rest in peace as well).
In any case we are here for the love of science (some with the prospect of getting better jobs; but we aren’t focusing on them now) and let us all remember that in our hearts. In Einstein’s words –“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.”

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