Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Darkest Hour

The night is darkest before the dawn. Or so people say. But in that dark, desolate hour, when the heart screams in agony, when the mind is twisted, when the soul is shrouded, what does one do? Where does one go?

There come many instances in life when faced with such intensity of emotions. I’ve rather had a bit too many of them. Right now, it’s one. It’s difficult to console the mind. It’s impossible to see reason. And certainly it’s unimaginable to believe that indeed dawn is but a little while away.

The whole hopelessness of the predicament is nauseatingly painful. It’s like being lost in a deep dark alley and not knowing the way out. In a place like where I am, this alley only gets more daunting.

I feel caged. I feel like I’ll never see daylight again. And what makes it so much harder is knowing I’m alone in this battle. Knowing that if I ever do outstretch my hand in search of a little hope, a little help, I will only grasp empty air. Air that reeks of desolation and of despair.

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